Company Culture

Examples of Company Values from Leading Tech Companies

February 14, 2017
August 16, 2022
Lattice Team

Successful companies put a lot of time and effort into defining company values that actually mean something. While every company should develop a unique set of company values, we wanted to give you some perspective on how other companies approach their company values.

Here's a list of examples from leading tech companies:


  1. Focus on the user and all else will follow
  2. It’s best to do one thing really, really well
  3. Fast is better than slow
  4. Democracy on the web works
  5. You don’t need to be at your desk to need an answer
  6. You can make money without doing evil
  7. There’s always more information out there
  8. The need for information crosses all borders
  9. You can be serious without a suit
  10. Great just isn’t good enough

Read more about Google’s values here.


  1. Be Bold
  2. Focus on Impact
  3. Move Fast
  4. Be Open
  5. Build Social Value

Read more about Facebook’s values here.


  1. Customer Obsession
  2. Ownership
  3. Invent and Simplify
  4. Are Right, A Lot
  5. Learn and Be Curious
  6. Hire and Develop The Best
  7. Insist on the HIghest Standards
  8. Think Big
  9. Bias for Action
  10. Frugality
  11. Earn Trust
  12. Dive Deep
  13. Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit
  14. Deliver Results

Read more about Amazon’s company values here.


  1. Judgement
  2. Communication
  3. Impact
  4. Curiosity
  5. Innovation
  6. Courage
  7. Passion
  8. Honesty
  9. Selflessness

Read more about Netflix’s approach to culture here.


  1. Champion the mission (by living the mission)
  2. Be a Host
  3. Simplify
  4. Every frame matters
  5. Be a Cereal Entrepreneur
  6. Embrace the adventure

Watch CEO of Airbnb talk about the company’s approach to culture here.


  1. Deliver WOW Through Service
  2. Embrace and Drive Change
  3. Create Fun and A Little Weirdness
  4. Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open-Minded
  5. Pursue Growth and Learning
  6. Build Open and Honest Relationships With Communication
  7. Build a Positive Team and Family Spirit
  8. Do More With Less
  9. Be Passionate and Determined
  10. Be Humble


  1. Respect for the Individual
  2. Service to the Customer
  3. Excellence Must Be a Way of Life
  4. Managers Must Lead Effectively
  5. Obligations to Stockholders
  6. Fair Deal for the Supplier

Read more about IBM’s values here.


  1. Integrity & Honesty
  2. Open & Respectful
  3. Passion
  4. Accountable
  5. Big Challenges
  6. Self Critical

Read more about Microsoft’s company values here.


  1. Our Members Come First
  2. Relationships Matter
  3. Be Open, Honest and Constructive
  4. Demand Excellence
  5. Take Intelligent Risks
  6. Act Like an Owner

Read more about Linkedin’s culture here.


  1. Innovative
  2. Collaborative
  3. Sincere
  4. Passionate
  5. Playful

Read more about Spotify’s values here.